Three TV-Shows I recommend

When it comes to TV-Shows I'm a big Geek. I just love them. Even though I should look down on them as a Studied-Filmmaker who is supposed to love only independent movies, but I just LOVE TV-Shows. Currently I'm watching like 50 of them. So I thought I'd do a little "More unknown shows I'd recommend"-Post

Arctic Air is a Canadian Show. Well I LOVE Canada, so of course I had to watch this when it came out. It's set in a little town called Yellowknife, where the main characters struggle with running a Plane-Transportation-Company (Bush Pilots). I like the whole setting and characters. It contains drama, love, adventure, crime, all you can wish for. The Style of Filming is very Canadian so it truly speaks to me :-P. 

Haven is a SciFi-Show based in Maine. It's a mix between 4400 and X-Files I would say. I LOVE that little city called Haven. I think when I'm old I want to live in a town just like that (without the mystery though :-P) The Show is about Audrey, who is an FBI-Agent who was adopted. She gets a case in Haven, and suddenly she notices, that she's somehow connected with those people in Haven. There are weird things happening there. People seem to have supernatural Powers. Her own past resurfacing during the investigations, and of course there are two cute guys involved :-P 

So Heartland is basically the Canadian version of McLeods Daughters. It's a similar Story. Mum dies, and the daughter who lived in NYC has to return to Heartland Ranch to help her Sister and Grandfather rescue to ranch. Family affairs, fun, drama, love and of course horses. I love it!



  1. Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach neuen Serien :) Heartland kenn ich schon aus dem Fernsehen, aber ehrlich gesagt bin ich kein großer Pferde-Fan...die anderen sagen mir aber garnichts, werd ich mal reinschauen :)

    lg Klaudia


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